Thursday, 11 April 2013

Processed Meat Increases Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease & Early Death

Processed meat is now linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a new, large scale study published in the journal BMC Medicine.

It is often tough to calculate the effect of eating meat on health because of the confounding effect lifestyle has on health.

Generally, vegetarians have healthier lifestyles than the rest of the population. They are more likely to be physically active, less overweight, and less likely to smoke. As vegetarians do not eat any kind of meat, including processed meat, their data will influence statistics on non-processed meat consumers.

It is only possible to view the outcomes of eating meat and processed meat in an extremely large study where these variables can be separated from other lifestyle choices, which the authors achieved in the current study.

Historically, processed meat, especially red meats - sausage, bacon, deli meats, and hot dogs - have been linked to a significantly higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Past research has also revealed that processed meat consumption has been linked to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer, as well an elevated risk of colorectal cancer.

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