The silence of osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease “silent”. The evolution of the disease are only a few signs, no signs even when bone mass decreased. The influence of the disease appears only when a minor injury or a fall that fractured bone.
Identify osteoporosis
Thin bones due to osteoporosis can warp the spine is also called hunchback. When squashed or broken spine, the spine is curved. This is also a major cause of the height of a person is greatly reduced. Curved spine due to osteoporosis also called hunchback and is a recognized feature of the disease. Bone density test to identify bone mass is lost before fracture and can be used to monitor the results of treatment.
The disease caused by osteoporosis
Vertebral fracture due to osteoporosis can cause heart, breast and colorectal forced. When the chest is compressed to make the patient feel shortness of breath, cause feelings of fatigue. Diseases related to the stomach and intestines caused by suppressed agencies including hernias slot esophagus, esophageal reflux disease.
The impact of osteoporosis
Fear of falling, movement restrictions as well as afraid lifestyle changes can lead to less exposure and live quietly. Depression can affect appearance, reduced mobility and loss of independence is the psychological impact of osteoporosis.
Preventing osteoporosis
Check the degree of osteoporosis in women over 65 and women aged 50 to 65 years is very important. Because they are people who have high risk due to decreased bone density. Women who have had mild childhood trauma fracture should also check the level of osteoporosis. Adults should do bone density tests for back pain of unknown cause that can be a symptom of vertebral bone cracked.
The restore bone density is difficult, therefore, to prevent osteoporosis is the only way to avoid having to use drugs accelerate bone growth. Provide the body with enough vitamin D, calcium and exercise on weight exercises can help and more solid bones. Vitamin D in foods provide vitamin D such as milk, yogurt, fish, soy milk and other foods help increase the amount of vitamin D as whole grains, vitamin D or fish oil.
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